You Shouldn't Become The Conformist School Wants You To Be.
Life has rules as do many things but having to give in to complete authority to strangers is of course strange. So as to why children are encouraged to abide by regulations and prescriptions given by teachers whom build conformists will seem controversial and debatable. Since early age children are told to do good in school get good grades for what? So that the end result can be an innumerable amount of money(paper) and a good paying job. It is logic to be punished for wrong doing but students are constantly punished unjustly and cemented into an image of a bad/defiant(evil) student. The knowledge of understanding is eliminated and enforced with the mental thinking of constant reward. Oppression is commonly seen but ignored as teachers choose students with visible qualities of resistance, to be of lower level learning qualities and desires. As others see these cruel unjust punishments they rethink their future actions and are departing from themselves to appease teacher's of "higher power and control." Whilst time and exposure to these actions of teachers they become subjected to totalitarianism become afraid and sadly conformists. As they begin to grow and see the lies of high school and the so called necessities of college and seek of work. Skipping onto work now that the obedience is installed companies and Employers will have obedient workers. Whom won't resist unlawful conduct or mistreating of the staff with punishment engraved in their minds. Schools control,destroy,enslave the growing populous with lies of deceit, and misinformation. Don't conform resist! Freedom was gained from resistance not conformity and obedience!!!
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