
James Hetfield succeeds

James Hetfield succeeds
30years into his career, James Hetfield and MetallicA continue to sell out shows globally

Thursday, December 13, 2012

DropBox fail

“You will go far with CTR”
Text Box: C

Description: C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\MEDIA\CAGCAT10\j0301480.wmf

Description: C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\MEDIA\CAGCAT10\j0300840.wmf

hoosing what’s right has never been difficult. Accomplishments are attainable with correct honest decisions. Accepting the false and improving the right will take you far distances.  Life’s achievements and nurturing desires will be met with great harmony.

Right Arrow: Choose The Right Empowering Choice

No bad can result with truthful right except the bad derived from evil. Purity and illuminance will always overcome the insecurities of the darkened wrong. Through the malice and the malevolent amicability has always won greater outcomes.

Disobey Wrong
Choose Right
Avoid at all times
Never choose the wrong
Gained by CTR
Won’t suffer defeat
Never taken away while ctr
Eternal conscience freedom
Choosing the wrong has always had horrid consequences on individual’s enjoyiung their activities. Staying safe and choosing right has prevented such drastic unnecessary measures from having to be taken. A step towards success and liberty has been from proper decision making. Our founding fathers took the decision to Choose The Right gained freedom and power. A nation built on greatness with leaders of lies and poor dignity. With the right in hand and neglecting pseudo concepts of super-eminence. I encourage right doing of any possible caliber and magnitude. I’m yet to be punished for helping a little girl reach food to high for her in the market. Punishment has been served to those who decided to take from stores without purchasing. Prisons are full of malignant beings and innocent people falsely accused to prevent this CHOOSE THE RIGHT

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Wrong and Right, Decide for yourself

"You will never regret doing what's right."
I've regret this many times but I've let go of my regrets. As the right can be wrong and the wrong can be right. Who's to decide the status of the outcome. Do what you feel is right not what others feel and say what is right. Don't be a sheep and have personal judgement with more value than others opinions.

Obedience lead to this

Academic Success
Part 2
Laura B's Academic Success Story
In high school i was one of the good students who didn't really have to study to be a good student. The information that i took for notes in class usually sunk in enough for me to be able to get by on the tests by simply reviewing the material just before class began. It wasn't that I didn't try, i had a 4.0 all through high school, but i never really had to put forth much of an effort to get the results that i wanted to see. In college however, that changed. Not only did i start studying and reading the book, but i began to understand that the little tiny facts were just as important as the general concepts. My overall study method: I do the reading that is required for the classes, and i try to keep up. If i do fall behind, I usually use the good reading that i did not get to as an additional study aid. I take good notes in class and actually attend every class that i can. Sometimes, with volleyball, it's tough because we are on the road a lot, but if I do miss class because of volleyball I make sure that I get the notes from another student in the class. Also, for a subject as chemistry, I do practice problems to help me understand what the material means.

Monday, December 10, 2012

Die now

Academic Success
My great academic success: In my principles of marketing class, we had to come up with a new product and sell it. My group ended up with a couple supposedly bad students according to our teacher since they were the last ones picked. In the end, they helped out more than needed since I was team leader I assigned them certain pieces of the project that became solely their responsibility. Delegating work always helps since it allows a group member individual work without separating the group.
English, Math, Foreign language tips: Math basically just takes practice. I always tell students to take a blank piece of paper and write everything you know about what you've learned or what you're studying for in the class. If you don't remember everything or start drawing blanks, then you need to study more and review your notes. Note cards work really well for foreign language. Here are my final words of wisdom for students who want to get better grades in college: Go to class, Make friends with people in class just in case you're absent, and remember that you should want to learn.

Friday, December 7, 2012

Shortened Reflection

"There is no pillow so soft as a clear conscience."
Your cleansed conscience will rest you nicely.

I Will Persist

I Will Persist Until I Succeed 
               Part 2

How I’ve overcome an initial bad grade: When receiving a bad grade, I just try to do better on the second exam and study harder. It’s hard when you have your first test in class and have no idea what to expect. The second one is usually easier since you know what to expect from your teachers.

My strategies for written assignments: Start early and make sure that you have proofread. Also, with written assignments, having a timeline planned out can help like by setting a certain number of pages done by a certain day before the paper is due.

How I succeed in team projects: COMMUNICATION! Despite your group synergy, communication is crucial. I remember u ran out of cell phone minutes constantly when working on a group project for my marketing research class. It’s really important that everyone is on the same page and getting the same emails. The worst is when two people are working on the same portion of the project and don’t even realize it.


Thursday, December 6, 2012

Substance consumption unnecessary

 Statistics show that drug abuse and consumption begins in the teen years of a child's life. Such habits of being in contact with these substances can be fatal and deadly. I discourage and encourage you to help abolish a close friends growing need for alcohol.
                                                     Drink The Right unnecessary

A Beast Am I

I Will Persist Until I Succeed
Part 1
 Heather A.’s Academic Success Story
In high school, I didn’t study much in groups as I do in college. I feel I learn better when I can teach other people information and we can exchange notes taken in class because sometimes other students pick up on more important information than others.
My overall study method: I prefer to study in small groups and practice problems where I can work out the methods verbally with others. My test study Method: I have very different techniques. For financial tests, I try to work on problems given in class as well as problems from power points and homework. When it comes to marketing classes, I review my notes and try to make diagrams to describe different processes.
My time management secret: One of my biggest secrets is to look over the information that you just learned when class is over. After reviewing the information, it sticks a little bit better than waiting until the night before the test. How I deal with multiple projects/test: I try to work on whatever has the shortest deadline and work from there. My overall study method: I tend to do massive studying blocks of about an hour or so in order to really learn the material.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Reflectionary Assignment

Student Success Statement
"You have only always to do what is right. It will become easier by practice, and you enjoy the midst of your trials the pleasure of an approving conscience."
Robert E. Lee
Your decision making is eternal, choosing right becomes easy once practiced. Your conscience is cleansed and purified resulting in positive sentiments.

You can succeed

You can Succeed IF You WIll
Part 5
After some serious soul-searching, Kennedy decided she was made for a purpose: to be successful and to fulfill who she was destined to be. She returned to DCCC "with determination and a mindset that i would not fail with Horus leading me."

She says her first semester back was difficult. "I knew i could find refuge in the Student Success Program," Kennedy said. "To my benefit, Ms. Gravely accepted me back. Because of my struggles and hard tome, I seek a new beginning every day and don't allow the past to cripple my future. I have learned to have self-value."

Monday, December 3, 2012

Schools harvest deth

You Can Succeed in School If You WIll
Part 3
As Quansheeba Kennedy reviews her DCCC transcript in preparation to transfer to Salem College, she can hardly believe she has a 3.3 grade point average and that she was accepted into the prestigious private college with a selective admissions policy.

It took two false starts before the 22-year old Thomasville resident found her true calling, elementary education, and more importantly, before she found and reaffirmed the value of herself. She thought back to when she was only 18 years old but felt "overwhelmed by life." She had just graduated from high school when she was in a serious car accident.

"I almost killed myself, not by drinking and driving, not by partying, but because I was living a life that was overwhelming," she said. One must work hard, but not waste time. Goofing off during school is a killer. It kills your achievement and your chances for outstanding success now and later.

Friday, November 30, 2012

You Can Succeed In School If You Will

You Can Succeed In School If You Will

 ‘’ though I graduated from an associate degree program. I felt that my instructors provided me with the same theory and knowledge as those students completing their bachelor’s degree program in clinical laboratory science, ‘’ Mishap added.
‘’ when I started my clinical rotations at wake forest university Baptist medical center. I felt that my formal education at DCCC prepared me to succeed at every challenge that I faced. Since I was among first MLT students to rotate though WGUBMC, I think this strong foundation in laboratory science enabled me to dispel many of the preconceived ideas about MLTs regarding their education and what they are able to do. ‘’ after a year working as a medical laboratory technician at children’s healthcare of atlantes, he was promoted to a hematology analytical specialist position. This involves oversight of the hematology, coagulation, and flow optometry sections of the laboratory.

Choose the right!!

Thursday, November 29, 2012

The Contagion of Conformity

You Shouldn't Become The Conformist School Wants You To Be.
 Life has rules as do many things but having to give in to complete authority to strangers is of course strange. So as to why children are encouraged to abide by regulations and prescriptions given by teachers whom build conformists will seem controversial and debatable. Since early age children are told to do good in school get good grades for what? So that the end result can be an innumerable  amount of money(paper) and a good paying job. It is logic to be punished for wrong doing but students are constantly punished unjustly and cemented into an image of a bad/defiant(evil) student. The knowledge of understanding is eliminated and enforced with the mental thinking of constant reward. Oppression is commonly seen but ignored as teachers choose students with visible qualities of resistance, to be of lower level learning qualities and desires. As others see these cruel unjust punishments they rethink their future actions and are departing from themselves to appease teacher's of "higher power and control." Whilst time and exposure to these actions of teachers they become subjected to totalitarianism become afraid and sadly conformists. As they begin to grow and see the lies of high school and the so called necessities of college and seek of work. Skipping onto work now that the obedience is installed companies and Employers will have obedient workers. Whom won't resist unlawful conduct or mistreating of the staff with punishment engraved in their minds. Schools control,destroy,enslave the growing populous with lies of deceit, and misinformation. Don't conform resist! Freedom was gained from resistance not conformity and obedience!!!

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Origins of Satanism

From "Peace Be Unto Him"

Due to centuries of misinformation, lies, and the systematic removal of knowledge, few people these days understand or even know what “Satanism” really is all about.
Christianity has been at liberty to dictate without any opposition, what they CLAIM Satanism to be. In order to accomplish this, the truth had to be destroyed. The Catholic Church (the original Christian Church, from which all Christian sects have evolved), heinously tortured to death and mass-murdered millions of innocent men, women and children in what was known as "The Inquisition." Some children who were burnt to death in what were known as "witch houses" were as young as two years of age.¹
Christians forever rant and rave concerning the "one world order" where all identities, cultures, personal privacies, and liberties will be lost and humanity, after being systematically bar-coded, will be lumped into a one-world slave state. What they fail to see is how their own so-called "religion" and bible have always been and are the roots of and blueprint for this regime. Everything in the Judeo/Christian Bible has been stolen and corrupted from religions predating Judaism, Christianity, and Islam from hundreds to thousands of years. Through Judaism and its tool of Christianity, all of the original spiritual teachings from around the world, (which are CONCEPTS) have been stolen from, lumped together into the "one," and corrupted into Jewish archetypes and characters and fictitious places. This has given the Jewish people as a whole a false history, political power and "spiritual" authority to which they are not entitled.

Religionist's should be killed off

Student Failure Statement
"There is no happiness in sin, and when we depart from the path of righteousness we begin to do those things which will inevitably lead us to unhappiness and misery and loss of freedom"
N. Eldon Tanner
Religion itself is already a loss of freedom when confined to the circumference of the boundaries you lose pleasure and happiness. Sin is a action committed daily and frequently no true repent desired no holiness carried and no divinity present. Departing from righteousness will only bring true reality to the being and not a fantasized religious path based on belief. As humans pleasure, amazement, and entertainment has come from sin that is why Laveyan Satanism encourages the embracing towards acts of Sin. Omitting acts that will harm others whom wish not to be harmed. When becoming christian, catholic, jewish, etc. you are bound to conform to the "laws" that diminish and turn your freedoms miniscule.

Another non sense student story

Students Success Story
Part 6
 Andrea Packer anticipates graduating with a B.A. in Education from Catawba in December 2011 and then enrolling in the Masters of Arts in Teaching Program from Salem College, also offered on the Davidson Campus. Packer spends her days on the Davidson Campus working 29 hours per week as a teacher assistant for instructors in the DCCC CHildhood Education Program.

"Not only did receiving this scholarship make me study harder and be the best i could be, but it allowed me to graduate in May 2010 witth my associate degreee totally paid for," she said. "I couldn't believe i had my first degree, and i was debt free. What a wonderful blessing!"

If students work hard during high school, cpmplete all assignments on time, and demonstrate a bright, positive attitude toward school, learning, and other people, then they can be highly successful as a high school student and qualify for academic scholarships also. All they need to do is put in the time, study time. All the the hard work and effort during high school will definitely pay off. They will be rewarded for their hard work. But if they just mess around during their high school years and neglect their studies, use drugs, and mistreat others, they can expect to fall short of what could have been their rewards of scholarships and other opportunities, and they will suffer in the short and long term. Invest in yourself. Give yourself opportunities of a lifetime by succeeding in high school on a super high note. Then you can: write your own student success story.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

information of zero value

Student Success Story
Part 5
Andrea Packer – Without the prestigious DCCC Presidential Scholarship she won in 2008, Andrea Packer, a 2010 DCCC honor graduate, says she doubts she would already be pursuing her baccalaureate degree from Catawba College. “I cannot say thank you enough to whomever paid for my education, and I am going to continue to do my best to make them happy that they invested in me,” she said.
Since August 2010, Packer, 20, has been working toward her bachelor’s degree in early childhood education from Catawba College, and she doesn’t have to leave DCCC’s Davidsons campus to do so. She said she likes the convenience of leaving her teaching assistant’s job in one DCCC building and walking only steps to her evening Catawba classes here she is taking history, Statistics and education courses.