
James Hetfield succeeds

James Hetfield succeeds
30years into his career, James Hetfield and MetallicA continue to sell out shows globally

Friday, January 25, 2013

Occultism in Nazi Germany

Another important occultist in Hitler’s life was Dietrich Eckardt, an alcoholic and a drug addict, who believed he was on a mission to make the way for a German dictator. He met Hitler in 1919 and decided that Hitler was the Messiah he had been waiting for. Eckardt was probably the person who was in charge over Hitler’s more advanced esoteric knowledge and the Black Magic rituals. Thanks to Eckardt, Hitler’s ability to magnetize the masses increased. In 1923 Eckardt wrote to a friend:
“Follow Hitler! He will dance, but I am the one to blow the pipe. We have given him the means to put himself in communication with Them. Mourn me not. I have influenced history more than any other German”
[J.H. Brennan:
Occult Reich]
Hitler now became a member of even another occult organization – the Vril Society. Vril was the language spoken by the Atlantean’s, composed of sounds and clicks. According to the English writer, Lord Bulwer-Lytton, who named the society, vril was the power that woke up man’s ability to be a Superhuman.
In 1933 the rocket-expert Willi Ley fled Germany and revealed the existence of the Vril society, as well as the Nazis’ beliefs that they, through esoteric teachings and expansion of their consciousness, would be equals to the Super race inside the Hollow Earth. By their methods, they thought they could wake up the vrilpower, which was slumbering in the blood. The Vril society counted two special persons, who later would become infamous Nazis – Hermann Göring and Heinrich Himmler. The “vrils” thought they were in connection with secret esoteric lodges in Tibet and the so called unknown Super humans.

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